Why is Self-Love important?
Tell me something about yourself that you really admire? Is it beauty, interests, or other qualities? In modern days, people prefer outer appearance more than inner specialties. This is more common in the teenage phase. Many teeners get so confused and tensed about their appearance that they almost forget what they are! Or should I say who they are? They don’t care what matters or what is actually important. They just want themselves to look perfect. They want to be famous and want to gain interests and popularity. For some time, it convinced them that their presence matters, people love them, admire them just by following them on social media. The reality flashes out when they are in trouble and nobody cares. Then the truth comes out, no one is your friend, you are on your own and you have to face problems alone.
I was an invisible girl. Nobody ever knew who I was, not even my name! I had a friend; I thought she was but turned out she was never there for me, never mind. So just a normal, boring girl with specs living a normal life. At first, I didn’t bother about friends and popularity, then I grew up. Started hearing things about myself, how cheap and simple I was. People hated to sit near me in class. I was probably untouchable for them. Slowly it became harder and more complex to bear all this shit. I was ugly and fat and not even considered a friend. Then I met someone. He was kind and funny and he understood me, at least I thought that he did. But little did I know that I was again going to end up alone. Everybody rejected me as a friend and off-course as something more. It also crushed the bit of hope left when he broke up with me saying that I was a cheater. It was a big misunderstanding made by others, and he trusted them more than me. Obviously, he would do that. What is there in me? Nothing! I became furious and realized that enough is enough. I can’t tolerate it anymore. I had to show that they were wrong. I totally changed myself, stopped caring about others and what they think, started prioritizing myself, and became tough. And they started giving attention to me. But importantly, I started loving myself. The strength of self-worth gave way to my growth and understanding. Everybody is born nothing, but it’s on us if we want to be nothing! To be a good person, we just need to be honest and real to ourselves. Don’t follow others, what they do, or what they think. Just live up to yourself, follow your dreams, and do what you like. The world is a big place, don’t be someone else, be who you are.
Honestly copying others is a lot of work, it’s better not to. Embrace the beauty within and let the world see how beautiful you are! Everyone is trying to destroy your confidence, trust none, and follow your heart. The world will become a better place for you, just need some effort to adapt. Nothing is possible if you don’t believe in yourself. Trust yourself and start working on your thoughts and your abilities. And in a short time, you’ll see yourself successful in life, happy, and people will admire and inspire you.